Cristiano Ronaldo Leg Workout.(Get ripped like Ronaldo)
For this killer home leg workout you need a pair of dumbbells and a chair. If you want ripped legs like Cristiano Ronaldo, then you have to include single leg workouts in your training program.This high intensity 20 minute leg workout will leave your legs burning like hell.
This is a circuit Workout to be performed in 4 rounds.One set of each exercise will conclude one round.
1. Dumbbell Front Squats.
4 × 10-12 reps
Hold the dumbbells on your shoulder with your elbows forward and perform a conventional squat.
2. Bulgarian Split Squats.
4 × 10 reps each leg.
Place one leg on a chair and the other leg which is performing the rep should be forward. Now, perform squats. This is a great exercise for getting large quadriceps.
3. Dumbbell Deadlifts.
4 × 12 reps.
Hold the dumbbells, with arms by your side and perform Deadlifts. Your back should be arched and glutes should be popping out while performing a rep.
4. Dumbbell Forward Lunges.
4 × 10-12 reps each leg.
Workout Finisher: Jump Squats.
12 reps
Here is a bonus exercise for you guys. You can perform Jump squats as a workout finisher. Perform a conventional air squat and Jump while you straighten your legs at the top of your rep.
Rest one minute after completing each round and keep going for four rounds to complete the workout. If you are a beginner then take 20 seconds rest after each set and try to progress by reducing rest periods and increasing your intensity.
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