
Carbs don't make you fat.Why you shouldn't avoid them.

 Corn, rice, wheat  lentils, fruits, vegetables,etc. are a excellent sources of carbohydrates. Most people tend to avoid carbohydrates to accomplish their fat loss goals. However, avoiding a macronutrient is not the best option to achieve your aesthetic goals. These some of the reasons why you should not avoid carbohydrates completely : 1. Carbs are great source of energy. Carbohydrates provide the energy required for necessary brain function and they also support important cell functions. 2. Carbs are necessary for building muscle. In order to gain new muscle mass, you have to eat all the macronutrients. You cannot ignore any macronutrient. Carbohydrates form a small portion of your muscle mass. 3. Carbohydrates fuel your workouts. Carbohydrates serve as fuel for your workouts. Carbohydrates provide the energy required to perform your workouts at a high intensity. They help in increasing your athletic performance. Note: In order to achieve your fat loss...

Dairy Farming Industry(The Truth)

The dairy farming industry is growing bigger day by day. The demand for dairy products especially, cheese, has grown over the years. We have been led to believe that dairy is food for us and it should be an important part of our nutrition. This is all the result of advertising and sponsored researches and studies during the twentieth century. We have been led to believe that the cows are meant to provide milk for us. But, what we don't know is that the cow's milk is meant for it's new born. Cows are harassed in mechanically engineered dairy farms. The male cows are considered useless and they are used as cattle and are later killed for beef. The cows are treated miserably. Machines are being used nowadays to milk the cows. The human population has been rising steeply while the cattle population has remained stable over the years. So, the question arises that how the dairy farms are able to keep up with the rising demand of milk products with more or less the same amount of ...

Diet vs Nutrition. What is the Difference? Which is Better?

People often use diet and nutrition interchangeably. These two words are two different terms that should be used separately. There are clear differences between a diet and a nutrition plan. They are as follows: 1. Short term vs Long term. Diet is a short term eating plan for a fixed period of time. When a people say that they are on a diet, it means that they will follow that diet plan for a few days, say a week, a month or few months. On the other hand nutrition is a long term plan. It is a lifestyle. When people say they follow a nutrition plan, it means they are in it for the long-run. 2. Restrictive vs Flexible. A diet is very restrictive by nature. You have to follow a strict eating plan. It involves eliminating all the so called "unhealthy foods", and restricting yourself. On the other hand a nutrition plan involves flexible eating. In a nutrition plan, you can have the foods you enjoy. 3. Fixed vs Variety. A diet plan involves eating fixed quantities of certain foods. ...

How to lose fat?( No Cardio!)

Here are the five best ways to lose fat:  1. Nutrition. The best way to lose fat is to keep your nutrition in check. Nutrition is even more important than exercising. You should have a solid nutrition plan. Remember, you don't always have to eat clean. You can follow a 80-20 approach. 2. Sprinting. Sprinting is one of the most athletic ways to lose fat. Sprinting is a great way to train at a high intensity. If you are overweight and can't sprint then walking is a more viable option for you. 3. Weight Training. Weight training is the best way to overload your muscles. Adding resistance to your movements is an effective way to lose fat. 4. Hydration (Drinking more water). Drinking more water allows you to differentiate between hunger and thirst. Hydration also allows you to perform your workouts at a high intensity. Hydration can be major factor in maintaining your energy levels. 5. Consistency. Consistency is the major factor behind every body transformation. Consistently workin...

Is Keto Diet Good For You?

The keto diet culture has gained popularity in recent years. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low carb diet which provides sufficient protein. The keto diet is claimed to be bullet proof. There are several reasons why the keto diet may not be bullet proof. Cheese, meat and other sources of fats are a staple of a ketogenic diet. 1. Low Energy Levels. The ketogenic diet tells you to avoid carbohydrates. Avoiding carbohydrates may lead to sluggishness and tiredness. Carbohydrates provide the glucose necessary for important brain functions and physical activities. 2. Risk of Heart Disease. Keto diet encourages you to eat high amounts of fat. Eating lots of saturated fats may increase the risk of heart disease. 3. Bloating and Constipation. The keto diet involves eating lots of animal protein. Eating meat causes constipation and bloating. 4. Damage to Lever and Pancreas. Eating on a keto diet may cause damage to the liver and pancreas.  5. Reduced Athletic Performance. Following a keto...

Why People Leave Veganism?

Natural nut butters are a good source of protein and good fats. There are a lot of social media influencers who have been leaving veganism recently. There are many reasons for failure of vegan diets. Some of the main reasons are as follows: 1. Being too strict and restrictive. Sometimes people are too strict with their food choices. They follow a restrictive diet plan. You should follow a flexible nutrition plan. 2. Eating too much junk. Following a vegan diet doesn't always mean eating healthy. People tend to think that all vegan foods are healthy. They can end up eating too much processed foods which leads to failure. 3. Avoiding carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet culture has been demonizing carbs and brainwashing people. People tend to avoid carbs as a result. Carbs are the most satiating macronutrient. So, you don't need to avoid carbs. 4. Avoiding healthy fats. Sometimes people avoid healthy fats, thinking that it makes them fat. Remember fat does not make you fat. Eating a...

Cristiano Ronaldo Leg Workout.(Get ripped like Ronaldo)

For this killer home leg workout you need a pair of dumbbells and a chair. If you want ripped legs like Cristiano Ronaldo, then you have to include single leg workouts in your training program.This high intensity 20 minute leg workout will leave your legs burning like hell. This is a circuit Workout to be performed in 4 rounds.One set of each exercise will conclude one round. 1. Dumbbell Front Squats. 4 × 10-12 reps Hold the dumbbells on your shoulder with your elbows forward and perform a conventional squat. 2. Bulgarian Split Squats. 4 × 10 reps each leg. Place one leg on a chair and the other leg which is performing the rep should be forward. Now, perform squats. This is a great exercise for getting large quadriceps. 3. Dumbbell Deadlifts. 4 × 12 reps. Hold the dumbbells, with arms by your side and perform Deadlifts. Your back should be arched and glutes should be popping out while performing a rep. 4. Dumbbell Forward Lunges. 4 × 10-12 reps each leg. Workout Finisher: Jump Squats. ...